Cherry Street Local Farmers Market

About the Market

The Miami County Local Food Council owns and operates the Cherry Street Local Farmers Market and supports all other farmers' markets in Miami County. The market is open the second Saturday of June through September from 9 a.m. - noon and is located on South Cherry Street/Cherry Street Parking lot in Troy, Ohio. Find a weekly list of vendors on the Cherry Street Local Farmers Market Facebook page. We currently accept Senior Farmers Market Nutrition Program vouchers. We plan to accept Supplemental Nutritional Assistance Program (SNAP), Electronic Benefits Transfer (EBT), with matching Produce Points, and Women Infants and Children (WIC) in the very near future.

Cherry Street Local Farmers Market Details

Become a Vendor at Cherry Street Local

By becoming a vendor at Cherry Street Local Farmers Market, you can increase revenue, increase exposure to new clientele, support our nonprofit organization, make new friends and have fun!  Get started today with your application. Contact Market Manager Kristie Fisher at 937-749-8803 with any questions.

Sign Up to Volunteer

Volunteer at the Cherry Street Local Farmers Market. You can sign up and find a listing of open volunteer opportunities through our SignUp Genius page. 

Volunteering may include:

  • Setting up/tearing down at weekly markets
  • Assisting at an information booth
  • Helping with a children’s program
  • Helping with government assistance programs

Farm Policy Resources

The Ohio Farmers Market Network is a 501(c)3 organization representing the interests of farmers markets throughout Ohio, their managers and vendors. Founded in 2008 as a cooperative, our mission is simple: “To support and strengthen farmers markets in Ohio.” Today, the OFMN provides Ohio farmers markets and vendors with resources, tools, networking opportunities and a unified voice for public policy.

Ohio Farm Bureau is a grassroots membership organization that is committed to supporting our farm and food community. For more than 100 years, we have represented food, fiber, and fuel producers at a local level and on a national scale. Our members are our top priority, and we are tuned into the top agricultural issues affecting their lives.

The Miami County Public Health team works to prevent illness, promote healthy lifestyles, and protect every person who spends time in our community. Miami County Public Health provides a variety of programs and services for residents.

The mission of the Miami County Food Insecurity Alliance is to increase education, awareness and availability of healthy food choices to the residents of Miami County. The MCFIA regularly updates this list of Miami County emergency food resources, food pantries, carryout meals, and other general assistance available to the public. The list can be found at

To protect Ohio citizens by ensuring the safety of the state’s food supply and the health of Ohio’s food animals and plant life, and to create economic opportunities for Ohio’s farmers, food processors and agribusinesses.

We connect with people in all stages of life, from young children to older adults. We work with families and children, farmers and business owners, community leaders and elected officials to build better lives, better businesses and better communities to make Ohio great.

Ohio State Extension office of Miami County